Networks / Computer

  • The server is one of the most important nodes in your network. Therefore it is important that it is tailored to your needs. We come to your company to see how you work and then plan the right server for you.
  • We also propose you different variants: the server is located at your site or it is in the cloud. But also mixed environments (local/cloud) can make sense.
  • As an innovative SME you have special needs : e.g. you need to control a machine or you need to import data from external sources. We help you!
  • We need networks to communicate with each other. We with other people or with the computer, but also computers with each other.
  • Networks today are very complex. They include the transport of data, voice, images and even goods.
  • Therefore, good planning is also important here, we support you in this.
  • If a network fails, often nothing works. Therefore it is important that you can trust us.
  • In the past a workstation was a PC, today it ranges from a cell phone to the ultimate gamer machine. Often people work with the wrong workstation, ask us, we might know a better solution for their way of working.
  • As an independent provider, we are not tied to brands and can therefore source the optimal device for them.
  • They spend a lot of time on their workstation, so they deserve the best device.
  • Backup is a necessary evil, you get it once and then you don't care anymore. 20 years ago this was ok, you survived a data loss to some extent.
  • Today your company stands still if you have a big data loss. In most cases, even the survival of the company depends on its data backup.
  • Data protection is of immense importance today, therefore investments are essential.
  • But which data do you need to backup ? Often you do not even know where your data is stored, contact us, we bring light into your data jungle and help you to create the backup concept.
Cyber Security
  • You hear, read and see a lot about hacker attacks. Is it really that bad? As long as nothing happens, you feel relatively safe.
  • But danger lurks in the net every minute. Today, hacker attacks are a business model. They are planned minutely during a long lead time. At the worst moment, they strike, encrypting your data, even your backups that are accessible online.
  • In the worst case they have no data at all, their company stands still. They no longer know which orders they have to deliver to whom. You have to send your employees home.
  • Don't let it come to that, take precautions and contact us.
Cloud solutions
  • Cloud solutions are now a dime a dozen. How are they supposed to know what suits them ?
  • Is your Internet access sufficient? What happens in my company if the Internet fails ?
  • Will my data be backed up in the cloud ? How can I get it back ?
  • Can I work fast enough in the cloud ? Is my data protected ?
  • There are many questions. We have answers.

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